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How do we break our automatic and associative responses to problems and challenges? How do we reach fresh and creative solutions?

More often than not, our thinking repeats existing patterns and creates “more of the same” responses and ideas when dealing with challenges. In this fun and hands-on workshop, participants learn and practice exercise techniques from the world of improvisational theater and Playback, performing them in pairs and small teams.

Through the exercises, participants experience in real-time the pitfalls of associative thinking. They also learn how to overcome these traps so as not to fall into complacent decision making. Instead they learn to challenge convention and develop truly original ideas and ways to engage their customers, employees and stakeholders, and meet organizational challenges and goals.

Duration 60-90 minutes


What are the real challenges faced by your organization? At what level do you examine them? 

Participants learn the tools to progress from imprecise problems to well defined challenge statements.

Participants will avoid the time and effort spent on problems that aren’t core or relevant to their challenges and goals. Understanding and creating well defined challenges will help them generate relevant and practical ideas and solutions. Correctly identifying and defining core problems will allow them to more easily address and solve multiple challenges facing their organization.

Duration 1 - 2 hours


How do you create truly insightful questions for your stakeholders? How do you maximize the value of your stakeholder interviews? 

Interviewing stakeholders effectively is a crucial aspect of obtaining insights about your organization’s challenges. In this workshop participants will create relevant and insightful interview questions, and learn how to best conduct stakeholder interviews.

Enables participants to be in tune with their customers, employees’ and other stakeholders’ needs. Allows participants to verify their assumptions about stakeholders. This will enable them to come up with ideas and solutions that better address the needs and challenges of their stakeholders.

Duration 2 hours - 1/2 day 


How do you create truly novel and innovative ideas that solve your organizational challenges

Design Thinking is a human-centered collaborative approach to problem solving that is creative, iterative and practical. Participants will learn and apply Design Thinking methodologies to solve challenges and improve their organization’s operations, employee recruitment and retention, the satisfaction of its customers from the products and services it offers, as well as any other challenges that the organization is facing.

Design Thinking takes the participants out of the office and into the real world in order to better understand and map their challenges. It also enables them to prototype and verify their ideas and solutions before implementation.

Duration 1/2 day - 2 days


How do you ensure that your solution generation efforts do not just produce "more of the same" ideas?

The Ideation session is exciting, interactive and dedicated to giving participants the creative problem-solving techniques to identify unique practical solutions to pre-defined organizational challenges.

Avoids “more of the same” ideas generated by “brainstorming” sessions.
Avoids time wasted due to irrelevant/immaterial issues.
Allows for objective comparison between competing ideas.
Generates a large number of practical ideas and solutions which are then verified and improved, before a high level implementation plan is created.

Duration 1/2 day - 1 day


The best ideas from your Ideation campaign have been shortlisted. The idea owners may be technically brilliant, but do they know how to deliver a concise and convincing elevator pitch? 

The Pitch It Perfect workshop will prepare your employees and ensure they hit the mark with an elevator pitch that concisely communicates the value of their idea/solution, speaks to their audience, and is passionate, purposeful, and pitch-perfect! 

Value of solutions and ideas is better communicated within the company by managers and employees, ensuring good ideas are not missed or overlooked due to poor communications.
Ensures that elevator pitch sessions are more impactful and engaging, resulting in better buy-in and follow-though to verification and implementation.

Duration 1/2 day - 2 days


Congratulations! You have successfully generated novel and creative ideas directly addressing your key challenges. How do you ensure that these ideas are implemented and bring value to your organization?

Hot-housing employs the lean start-up approach of fast prototyping and iterative verification. Using creative sprints and iterative design reviews, it accelerates decision making and speeds-up delivery time to market.

Using creative sprints and iterative design reviews, Hot-Housing accelerates decision making and speeds-up delivery time to market of value creating ideas and solutions.

Duration: 1-2 days